jueves, 18 de junio de 2015

Ana Etchegoyen

Ana Etchegoyen was a teacher, a professor, a poet and a lecturer. She was born in Gualeguaychú on November 28, 1886.

In 1914, she graduated as a teacher; a profession she practiced with genuine commitment. Moreover, she was a French and Literature teacher at Olegario Victor Andrade School. She collaborated with the people affected by the First World War in France as she was of French descent.

In her poems, children are the major theme. Her books are: Una Vida (One Life), Jorge, Amanecer en canciones (Dawn in Songs), Alas fugaces (Fugacious Wings), and Lámparas Encendidas (Lighted Lamps).
Ana died on May 25, 1966.

(Translated by Luciana Riquelme)

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